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Tech minister, Turkish astronauts highlight Türkiye’s space ambitions

Tech minister, Turkish astronauts highlight Türkiye's space ambitions Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacir, Türkiye’s second space traveler Tuva Cihangir Atasever and first Turkish astronaut Alper Gezeravci pose during news conference in Ankara, Türkiye, June 11, 2024. (AA Photo)
By Newsroom
Jun 11, 2024 3:29 PM

Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacir spoke during a recent press conference, alongside the nation’s pioneering astronauts, Alper Gezeravci and Tuva Cihangir Atasever.

They discussed the country’s strides in space exploration and the valuable insights gained from their recent missions.

‘We aim to reach the moon’

Minister Kacir emphasized the importance of geographical advantages for launch locations and upcoming international collaborations. He stated, “The selection of locations for launches is crucial. We are open to dialogue with all countries involved in space activities. Space is a domain where peace prevails more strongly than on Earth.”

Kacir also pointed to Türkiye’s partnerships with NASA, SpaceX, and Axiom Space, and mentioned potential future collaborations under the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO).

Reflecting on Türkiye’s ambitions in lunar exploration, Kacir said, “We aim to reach the Moon with our own rocket technology and spacecraft developed by our engineers and scientists. However, we do not currently have direct partnerships with Russia, China, or the United States on their Moon programs.” He reiterated Türkiye’s commitment to sharing its space experience with its allies and continued international cooperation.

Kacir also addressed the future of Türkiye’s space research. “We will utilize the opportunities presented by space to advance our capabilities in science and technology. Our recently launched Turksat 6A satellite demonstrates our progress,” he noted.

He announced plans for an international spaceport by 2030, aiming to boost Türkiye’s role in the global space economy.

Atasever’s transformative experience

Astronaut Atasever shared his profound experiences from his suborbital flight. Drawing inspiration from Sufi theologian and poet Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, he said, “On June 8, I reached 90 kilometers above Earth, took a deep breath, and felt like I was reborn. This experience is a treasure that I am eager to share with our youth.”

He expressed his excitement about engaging with students and inspiring the next generation to pursue ambitious goals in space exploration.

Atasever described the overwhelming sense of peace he felt in microgravity. “Experiencing weightlessness filled me with an immense calm. Observing Earth from space, without any signs of human existence below, reinforced the peaceful state I felt,” he explained. Atasever hopes that by sharing these experiences, young people will gain new perspectives on creating a more harmonious world.

He further elaborated on his vision for the future, “I hope young people will realize that we are all crew members on the same spaceship, Earth. I am committed to working towards this vision and helping the younger generation understand the reality of our interconnected existence.”

Türkiye’s first astronaut Alper Gezeravci’s vision for peace

Gezeravci echoed similar sentiments. Reflecting on the view from space, he said, “From space, the conflicts that take children’s lives and cause so much suffering are invisible. The Earth appears as one, a beautiful, shining diamond. It is essential for humanity to appreciate this gift and focus on endeavors that benefit all.”

Gezeravci emphasized Türkiye’s commitment to peace and its efforts to contribute positively to global scientific and societal advancements. “We must realize the blessing we have and divert our energy to beneficial pursuits,” he urged. “Türkiye has a history of overcoming challenges, and we continue to strive for peace and constructive endeavors in science and society.”

Türkiye’s future space projects and goals

Minister Kacir outlined Türkiye’s ongoing projects and future plans. “We will utilize the opportunities presented by space to advance our capabilities in science and technology. Our recently launched Turksat 6A satellite demonstrates our progress,” he said.

Kacir announced plans for an international spaceport by 2030, part of Türkiye’s strategy to maximize its participation in the global space economy.

Kacir also discussed the significance of Türkiye’s investments in space technology. “We are enhancing our AR-GE and innovation capabilities and transforming our existing competencies into economic value. The launch of Turksat 6A and other satellite projects underline our technological achievements.”

The interest of Turkish youth in the missions of the astronauts shows the promise of the “Teknofest generation” to drive scientific and technological advancements, shaping the future with hope and ambition.

Last Updated:  Jun 11, 2024 4:53 PM