Audio guide support in 17 different languages in 44 museums in Türkiye

Sami Cebi, CEO of SICPA Türkiye, said that they have been providing services at 83 museums and archaeological sites affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, National Palaces and Canakkale Field Presidency and 12 ticket points of sale since 2018, and explained that with the digital application they’ve developed, they provide audio guidance support in 17 different languages to visitors at 44 museums and archaeological sites across the country, including the Maiden’s Tower.
Visitors flock to the Maiden’s Tower
One of the symbols of Istanbul, the Maiden’s Tower, which dates back 2,400 years, has been attracting large crowds of visitors since its major restoration.
The historical structure, which started to serve as a “memorial museum” last year, has welcomed 235,709 local and foreign visitors in just over a year.

SICPA Türkiye provides sea transportation for visitors to this mystical structure, which is one of the first symbols that comes to mind when it comes to Istanbul. The company also provides services for the design, development and sales channel management of the Maiden’s Tower’s tickets and ticket products.
The historical structure, which is currently accessible from the piers on the European side of Istanbul and where the Museum Pass can be used, also provides visitors with audio guidance support.