Classical concert at historic Armenian church in Türkiye attracts visitors

Classical music concert given to visitors at Surp Giragos Armenian Church in Diyarbakır
The Duored Group’s half-hour classical music concert at the centuries-old Surp Giragos Armenian Church, located in Türkiye’s Diyarbakır province, attracted great interest from visitors
The church is considered to be the largest church of the Armenian community in the Middle East.
Umut Volkan Yilmaz, the guitarist of the band, who gave a concert in the church said that both the Mardin concert and the concert in Diyarbakır were very good for them.
Stating that they enjoyed it a lot when they combined their music with historical places, Yılmaz said: “Our repertoire is mainly classical period. In addition, it comprises composers from the modern and romantic periods. We arranged some of the works and adapted them to guitar and violin. The acoustics of the churches are very nice. Professionally, we are fed a little bit from this.”
Violin virtuoso Seda Gülşen Kinis recalled that they first started the concerts in Mardin and then gave a concert here.
Stating that it was a very nice experience to give a concert in such historical buildings, Kınış said: “It was very pleasant and exciting to meet the audience here. It is very different from giving a concert in a normal hall. We are very excited and happy to be here.”
Source: Newsroom