Restoration of Oltu Russian church completed in Türkiye’s Erzurum

The restoration of the Russian Church in the Oltu district of Erzurum in Türkiye has come to an end.
Russians built the Oltu Russian Church, located in the Oltu district capital of Erzurum, between 1885 and 1890. Rectangular spaces on both sides of the kiborion-style dome support rectangular pillars measuring 32×15 meters (114.8×49.2 feet), forming the Oltu Russian Church.

The architects intentionally kept the lengthy facades on the north and south short. The western facade centers on ornate, round-arched, slightly elongated entrance doors.
The superstructure that envelops the primary entrance is a substantial extension of the entrance.
The tower’s upper cover has not survived to the present day; however, the restoration has completed this area.
The church’s exterior features are generally understated. Employing a variety of colors and types of stones, moldings, and wall piers gave the facades a vibrant appearance.
The Northeastern Anatolia Development Agency (KUDAKA), under the direction of the Governorship of Erzurum, supported the restoration in 2018 and planned it in accordance with the original, based on archival paintings.
The restoration of the church began in 2019 and concluded in 2023.