Türkiye condemns US move to allow arms sales to Greek Cyprus as ‘grave mistake’

Türkiye on Thursday strongly condemned the U.S. decision to designate Greek Cyprus as eligible for arms sales and military training, calling it a “grave mistake.”
In a statement, the Turkish Foreign Ministry echoed the concerns of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and expressed alarm that the move would increase armament on the island. “We consider this decision, which will increase armament activities on the island, a grave mistake,” the ministry stated.
The ministry called for restraint during a critical period in the region, urging all parties to avoid provocative actions. Türkiye also expressed hope that the incoming U.S. administration would reverse the decision, which it described as a “misguided step” by the outgoing president.
“As a Motherland and Guarantor State, Türkiye will continue to support the TRNC’s efforts to strengthen its defense and deterrence capabilities,” the statement added.
The decision, made on Wednesday by U.S. President Joe Biden, allows the Greek Cypriot administration to purchase military equipment from the United States. Last September, Türkiye had already condemned the U.S. for extending its lifting of an arms embargo on the Greek Cypriot administration.

Decades-long Cyprus dispute
The Cyprus conflict has been ongoing for decades, with numerous U.N.-led diplomatic efforts failing to resolve the dispute between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.
Ethnic violence in the early 1960s led to Turkish Cypriots withdrawing into enclaves for protection. In 1974, Türkiye intervened militarily after a Greek Cypriot coup aimed at uniting the island with Greece, leading to the formation of the TRNC in 1983.
Despite peace negotiations, including a failed 2017 initiative under the auspices of Türkiye, Greece, and the UK, the Greek Cypriot administration unilaterally blocked a 2004 U.N. plan to resolve the conflict. The Greek Cypriot side entered the EU that same year, further complicating the situation.