PKK terrorist group spreads propaganda under guise of festival in France

Terrorist group PKK supporters in Marseille staged a so-called “festival,” using it as a platform to glorify eliminated terrorists and spread propaganda for the terrorist group. Demonstrators openly carried PKK flags and chanted for the release of their convicted leader, Abdullah Ocalan.
The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not yet responded to Anadolu Agency’s question about why such a demonstration was allowed, despite the PKK being recognized as a terrorist organization by both the EU and France.

Türkiye previously condemned French President Emmanuel Macron’s 2021 meeting with members of the so-called “Syrian Democratic Council,” which is linked to the PKK/PYD/YPG.
PKK terrorist group which has offshoots in Iraq and Syria, has been waging a terror campaign against Türkiye for more than 40 years. Listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the United States and the European Union, the group has been responsible for the death of some 40,000 people, including women and children.