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Türkiye to join Via Carpathia Highway Project, linking Lithuania to Istanbul

By Newsroom
May 26, 2024 2:13 PM

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloglu announced that Türkiye is prepared to join and collaborate on the Via Carpathia Highway Project, which will stretch from Lithuania to Istanbul.

“Given our geographical location, any corridor in this region must include Türkiye. Türkiye is a stable and secure hub in every respect,” he stated.

In his written statement, Minister Uraloglu highlighted the “Three Seas Initiative,” launched by Baltic, Adriatic, and Black Sea countries to address infrastructure deficiencies in energy, transport, and digitalization across Central and Eastern Europe.

This initiative aims to interconnect infrastructure in the energy, transport, and telecommunications sectors.

From Lithuania to Istanbul

Uraloglu emphasized the importance of the Via Carpathia Highway Project, planned within this initiative to better integrate countries along the north-south axis, which was established by EU member states. He pointed out that the project directly connects to the Middle Corridor, making it highly relevant for Türkiye.

The highway will start from Lithuania’s Klaipeda Port and extend through Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria, reaching Thessaloniki Port and then Istanbul. Uraloglu noted that this project could provide significant economic activity and opportunities for Türkiye.

Regarding the progress of the project, Uraloglu stated, “The Polish section of the project will be completed by 2027. The total length of the project is 712 kilometers, with 259.6 kilometers completed. Currently, 280.8 kilometers are under construction, and 171.6 kilometers are in the tender and preparation phase.”

Middle Eastern trade routes to connect to Europe via Türkiye

Saying that Türkiye joined the project in 2016 through the II. Lancut Declaration, Uraloglu stated: “Expanding the Via Carpathia Highway Project to include our country will enhance our connectivity with the EU and positively impact our transport activities with the countries along this route. Additionally, involving our contracting sector in the road infrastructure construction process in these countries is highly valuable for Türkiye.”

Uraloglu emphasized that the project would enable Türkiye to participate in new international trade corridors and cooperate with neighboring countries, adding: “With the Via Carpathia Highway, Middle Eastern trade routes will connect to all of Europe through Türkiye. The project intersects with and directly strengthens the Middle Corridor and Development Road. Despite not being a member of the initiative, we support this project and are ready for all kinds of cooperation. The Middle Corridor connection makes this a project we must be part of under any circumstances.

Given our strategic location, any corridor in this region must include Türkiye. Türkiye is a stable and secure hub in every respect.”

Last Updated:  Jun 1, 2024 2:11 AM