Turkish artists to showcase works in Italy

Italy’s Leonardo Week to host an exhibition featuring the works of 22 Turkish artists
The works of 22 Turkish artists will be on display in an exhibition titled “The Route of Leonardo da Vinci,” opening during Leonardo Week in Italy on April 13.
The Istanbul Tulip Foundation has announced that the exhibition will be presented to art enthusiasts in Italy on May 4.
Curated by Sefik Ugur Bekdemi and Morgan Caneva, the exhibition will feature works from Italy, France, Slovenia and Türkiye, including Rasit Altun, Umran Ozbalci Aria, Resul Aytemur, Igor Banfi, Stefania Basso, Serkan Bayer, Paola Bega, Giuliana Bellini, The works of artists including Francesco Borzani, Alda Boscaro, Zahit Buyukisliyen, Giancarlo Caneva, Mattia Desideri, Arlia-Hamda Elmi, Sevgi Erdaha, Debora Ferruzzi Caruso, Ferruccio Franz and Carla Galli Morandi will be exhibited.
Having debuted at Villa de Claricini Dornpacher, Italy, “The Route of Leonardo da Vinci” will travel to Türkiye this October, supported by the Istanbul Tulip Foundation.
Source: Newsroom & AA