AK Party takes steps to boost birth rates in Türkiye

The AK Party Central Executive Board (MYK) discussed a series of measures to counteract the declining population growth. Key measures under discussion include updating the childbirth allowance to provide greater financial support for new parents and offering ₺17,000 (approximately $517) in maintenance support to families with three children. Additionally, the age limit for IVF treatment support would be increased to 45, allowing more women access to fertility treatments. The board also plans to grant partial work rights to mothers until their child starts school.
With Türkiye’s fertility rate dropping from seven in 1965 to 1.51 in 2023, falling below the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development average for the first time, AK Party has prioritized increasing birth rates.
During a recent MYK meeting chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, AK Party Women’s Branch President Ayse Kesir presented a report on Türkiye’s population dynamics and fertility map. The report highlighted that one-time financial incentives for children have a limited impact on childbirth decisions. It was noted that the most successful policies globally are those that provide state-supported child care services.
Some recommendations from the Women’s Branch to increase birth rates include: raising the age limit for state-supported IVF treatment from 40 to 45; promoting practices like “mother-friendly hospitals” to make giving birth in public hospitals more appealing and reducing the economic and psychological burden of childbirth; granting mothers the right to work part-time until their children start primary school; providing incremental child care support equal to the minimum wage for families with three or more children; and offering diaper and formula aid for newborns for two years.
Families with two or more children should receive gradual tax cuts and benefits, including subsidies for vehicle and housing purchases. The Family and Youth Fund should be expanded to include child incentives. The childbirth allowance should be updated to ₺300 ($9.1) for the first child, ₺400 ($12.17) for the second, and ₺600 ($18.2) for three or more children.