Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye joint oil refinery launches with daily capacity of 500 tons

The Ministry of Energy of Kyrgyzstan announced that a refinery, established through a Kyrgyz-Turkish partnership in the Batken region, will begin operations by the end of September.
This refinery has a daily processing capacity of 500 tons of crude oil.
Project details, current status
According to a statement from the Ministry, Minister Taalaybek Ibrayev inspected the refinery’s construction site in the village of Kok-Talaa, located in the Kadamjay district of the Batken region.
During his visit, he received updates from the officials overseeing the project.
Company officials from the Kyrgyz Petroleum Natural Gas State Corporation (Kyrgyztransneftegaz) and the Kyrgyz-Turkish K-Petrol Gas Company stated that the refinery is on track to start operations by the end of September.
Investment, workforce
The officials revealed that the project involves an investment totaling $91 million. The construction of the refinery is 90% complete, and currently, 41 Kyrgyz and 10 Turkish experts are working on site.
Additionally, repair and preparation work is ongoing at four oil wells, and all necessary permits have been obtained.
Background of Kyrgyz-Turkish K-Petrol gas company
The Kyrgyz-Turkish K-Petrol Gas Company was established on March 23, 2023, for the joint operation of the “Tunduk Soh” and “Congara Galca” oil fields.