Election day restrictions begins at 6:00 am

Election day restrictions begin in Türkiye: No alcohol sales, public entertainment venues closed, and limited news coverage until 18:00
Today, from 06:00 in the morning until midnight, the sale of alcoholic beverages in any way, serving and drinking all kinds of alcoholic beverages in places serving alcohol and in public places, will be prohibited.
During the voting period, all public entertainment places such as coffeehouses, tea houses, and internet cafes will be closed, and only meals will be served in restaurants with an entertainment venue status.
Except for those responsible for maintaining security and public order, no one will be allowed to carry the weapons specified in Article 6 of the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 in villages, towns, and cities.
On the day of voting, radios and all types of media outlets will not be allowed to make news, predictions, or comments about the election and election results until 18:00.
Between 18:00 and 21:00, only news and notifications related to the election given by the Supreme Election Council can be broadcast on radio and all types of media outlets.
All broadcasts will be unrestricted after 21:00, but if deemed necessary by the Supreme Election Council, broadcasts may also be released before 21:00.
Source: Newsroom