Helicopter crashes into Mugla Training & Research Hospital, Türkiye
A helicopter collided with Mugla Training and Research Hospital early this morning, causing it to crash into an empty area nearby.
Emergency response teams are actively working at the site to assess the damage and ensure public safety.

Muğla Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nden havalanan ambulans helikopter, hastane bahçesine düşerken ilk belirlemelere göre, 4 kişinin hayatını kaybettiği öğrenildi.

Muğla Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nden havalanan ambulans helikopter, hastane bahçesine düşerken ilk belirlemelere göre, 4 kişinin hayatını kaybettiği öğrenildi.

Muğla Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nden havalanan ambulans helikopter, hastane bahçesine düşerken ilk belirlemelere göre, 4 kişinin hayatını kaybettiği öğrenildi.

Muğla Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nden havalanan ambulans helikopter, hastane bahçesine düşerken ilk belirlemelere göre, 4 kişinin hayatını kaybettiği öğrenildi.
4 people died in helicopter crash in Mugla
The ambulance helicopter, which arrived in Mugla on duty yesterday, could not take off due to unfavorable weather conditions.
The ambulance helicopter, which took off for Antalya in the morning hours today, crashed into the hospital building believed to due to dense fog a while after taking off.
An ambulance helicopter serving our ministry crashed into the Mugla Training and Research Hospital while taking off and fell into an empty area. In the accident, 4 of our colleagues, including 2 pilots, 1 doctor and 1 healthcare worker, lost their lives.
We wish God’s mercy on our martyrs and patience to their families and loved ones.
Our condolences. Investigations regarding the incident are ongoing and the necessary information will be provided to the public.
Turkish Ministry of Health
After the accident was reported, many health and search and rescue teams were dispatched to the region. While the teams continue to work at the accident site, it is learned that 4 people lost their lives according to the first determinations.
Mugla Governor Idris Akbiyik announced that 2 pilots, 1 doctor and 1 staff member died in the helicopter that crashed into a hospital.

Incident details
- The collision occurred early in the morning at Mugla Training and Research Hospital.
- The impact caused the helicopter to crash into an empty area near the hospital premises.
- Emergency response teams, including firefighters, medical units, and police, are currently on-site conducting rescue and investigation operations.
Details to follow…