KKTC President Tatar calls for medical collaboration among KKTC, Türkiye, and Azerbaijan
KKTC President Ersin Tatar emphasizes the importance of collaboration in the medical field, urging for unity in medicine among KKTC, Türkiye, and Azerbaijan
In the opening session of the Joint Pediatric Education Meeting of Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) held in Girne, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Ersin Tatar emphasized the significance of collaboration among countries in the health sector.
“KKTC, Türkiye, and Azerbaijan should combine their capabilities in the field of medicine,” Tatar stated.
Speaking in the opening session of the Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and KKTC Joint Pediatric Education Meeting held in Girne, TRNC, Ersin Tatar noted that they are walking confidently into the future as an independent Turkish state in the Eastern Mediterranean, expressing his gratitude to the participants.
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Tatar highlighted the importance of the meeting organized in Girne with the participation of three states for announcing the voice of the TRNC to the world and for the development of collaboration in medicine.
“1 nation, 3 states. I am delighted that an important congress is being held in the Blue Homeland. It will be auspicious for our children. At the same time, it will strengthen our bonds,” Tatar stated.
The Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and KKTC Joint Pediatric Education Meeting, organized with the participation of three countries, will conclude on April 21.
Tatar emphasized that the arrival of doctors from Azerbaijan, as well as from Türkiye, to his country will contribute to the development of health in the TRNC.
“KKTC, Türkiye, and Azerbaijan should unite in medicine. The 3 countries should evaluate their potentials. I believe that exchanging views and collaborating in the field of medicine will be of great benefit to the Turkic world,” Tatar said.
Initiated under the leadership of the Turkish National Pediatric Association, the Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and KKTC Joint Pediatric Education Meeting, which began at a hotel in Girne, will conclude on April 21.
The meeting, attended by numerous academicians, doctors, and healthcare professionals from three countries, will address the latest developments in pediatrics, focusing on the healthy life and disease processes of newborns, infants, children, and adolescents.
Source: Newsroom